Lewis and Clark County, MT Lead Mines

Lead Mines in Lewis and Clark County, MT

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
(Facility) East Helena Lead Smelter Unknown Lead
Adiadene Claim Lead
Alice Lode W. R. Roscow Underground Lead
Alice Lode W. R. Roscow Lead
Alice Lode National Forest Lead
Alley National Forest Lead
Alley Mine National Forest Underground Lead
American Flag National Forest Lead
American Flag Mine National Forest Lead
Anaconda National Forest Lead
Ariadene Claim Lead
Ariadene Claim Unknown Lead
Armstrong National Forest Underground Lead
Armstrong Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Armstrong Mine Unknown Lead
Austin District Lead
Babe Prospect National Forest Lead
Bald Butte Mine Bald Butte Gold Mines, Surface/Underground Lead
Baldy Mountain Claims Elwood Hiatt Lead
Baldy Smith Mine Baldy Smith Lead
Baldy Smith Mine Unknown Lead
Beatrice National Forest Lead
Beatrice Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Beaver Meadow Lead-Zinc Occurrence Private Lead
Beaver Meadows National Forest Lead
Bell Boy Mine Surface/Underground Lead
Bell Boy Mine National Forest Lead
Betsy Ross Mine Unknown Lead
Betsy Ross Mine National Forest Lead
Big Blackfoot Focal Resources Ltd. Unknown Lead
Big Ox Unknown Lead
Big Ox Mine Lead
Bissonette Mine Underground Lead
Bissonette Mine Unknown Lead
Black Watch National Forest Lead
Blue Bird Copper and Silver Mining Co. Surface/Underground Lead
Blue Bird Mine J. C. Robinson Underground Lead
Blue Cloud District Lead
Blue Jay Mine Lead
Bluebird Co Unknown Lead
Bluebird Copper and Silver Unknown Lead
Bobby Boy Lode Clifford V. And Joyce M. Cox Underground Lead
Bobby Boy Mine National Forest Lead
Boeing Prospect Surface/Underground Lead
Bonanza Claim Unknown Lead
Bonanza Mine Williams And Steltmeier Underground Lead
Bondholder Prospect National Forest Lead
Bullion National Forest Lead
Bunker Hill National Forest Underground Lead
Bunker Hill Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Butterfly Quartz Lode Mr. W. A. Hall National Forest Underground Lead
Cappolis National Forest Lead
Carbonate Anaconda Co. National Forest Lead
Charles D. Greenfield Property Private Lead
Cinnamon Lode National Forest Lead
Consolation National Forest Lead
Copper Dyke Mine National Forest Lead
Copper Queen National Forest Lead
Coulson Unknown Lead
Cruse Mine Underground Lead
Cyclone Mine National Forest Lead
D & H Claim Private Lead
Daniel Stanton National Forest Lead
Daniel Stanton Mine National Forest Lead
Dexter Lode National Forest Lead
Discovery and Margurete Mine National Forest Lead
Doctor Steele Mine Unknown Lead
Drumheller Mine Helena Silver Lead Mining Co. Surface/Underground Lead
Drumheller Mine Unknown Lead
Earthquake Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
East Helena Plant Asarco Private Lead
Elizabeth Mine Fred Moratt Surface/Underground Lead
Elizabeth Mine Unknown Lead
Elk Creek Lead-Zinc Claim Private Lead
Empire Mine Underground Lead
Empire Mine Unknown Lead
Eureka National Forest Lead
Eureka National Forest Lead
Eureka Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Evergreen National Forest Lead
Evergreen Mine National Forest Lead
Fairview Claim Lead
Federal Gold Group National Forest Lead
Fletcher Barite Deposit National Forest Lead
Franklin and Sam Gaty Unknown Lead
Franklin Mine Thomas Cruse Mining And Development Co. Underground Lead
Free Speech Mine National Forest Lead
Free Speech Number One National Forest Lead
Giant Claim National Forest Lead
Gold Pistol National Forest Lead
Golden Dollar #5 Lode Lead
Gossan & Junior Claims National Forest Lead
Gould-Stemple District Lead
Grubstake Unknown Lead
Guerin Lode Guerin, Charles F. Underground Lead
Guy Mine Lead
Guy Silver Mine Williams And Steltmeier National Forest Lead
Hamlet Mine National Forest Lead
Hamlet Mine National Forest Lead
Heddleston Copper Project Asarco (American Smelting And Refining Co.) Private Underground Lead
Helena District Lead
Helena Mine Underground Lead
Helena Mine Unknown Lead
Hematite Iron Mine Unknown Lead
Herb W Unknown Lead
Hog Claim National Forest Lead
Hogall National Forest Lead
Hope Mine National Forest Lead
Hopeful Mine Otto Anderson Underground Lead
Hopeful Mine Unknown Lead
Interocean Tunnel National Forest Lead
Iron Hill Claim National Forest Lead
J J Hill Claims National Forest Lead
Jerusha Mine National Forest Lead
Jessie Prospect National Forest Lead
Johnny Mine National Forest Lead
Johny Mine National Forest Lead
Julia Mine John Longmaid Lead
Justice Clementh National Forest Lead
Justice Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Katy Mine Lead
Katy Mine Unknown Lead
King Tut Mine Underground Lead
King Tut Mine Unknown Lead
Kleinschmidt Lead
Korizek Mine Unknown Lead
Lee Mountain Cooper, A. T., Mgr. National Forest Underground Lead
Lee Mountain National Forest Underground Lead
Lexington National Forest Lead
Lexington Mine Lead
Lexington Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Lincoln Gulch District Lead
Lion Mine Unknown Lead
Little Lilly National Forest Lead
Little Ox Unknown Lead
Little Ox Mine Lead
Little Sampson Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Locality 18 National Forest Lead
Looby Mine Lead
Loory Mine Unknown Lead
Lucky Linda Mine National Forest Lead
Lucky Marie Placer Winderl, Stephen Lead
Lucky Thursday No. 1 & 2 Unknown Lead
M and L Mine Owen Byrnes Underground Lead
M and L Mine Unknown Lead
Mae Lilly Mine National Forest Lead
Magma Unknown Lead
Magpie Group Calvin Stevens Surface/Underground Lead
Magpie Group Unknown Lead
Mammoth National Forest Lead
Mammoth Mine National Forest Lead
Marysville District National Forest Surface Lead
Marysville Mine Peter Towndrown / Goldsil Mining And Milling Inc. Unknown Lead
Mass Mine Unknown Lead
Mcawber National Forest Lead
Mccawber Mine National Forest Lead
Midnight National Forest Lead
Mike Horse Mine Anaconda Company National Forest Underground Lead
Miljour-Violet Jane Mine Unknown Lead
Milliron National Forest Lead
Monte Christo Mine National Forest Lead
Monte Cristo Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Moonlight Mine Otto Anderson Underground Lead
Moonlight Mine Unknown Lead
Morning Star Mine Unknown Lead
Mt. Pleasant Unknown Lead
Nick and Dick Mine National Forest Lead
Nile Mine Wallace Birkhead And Others Surface/Underground Lead
Nile Mine Unknown Lead
Nora Mine National Forest Lead
North Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
O.H.Bassett National Forest Lead
O.H.Bassett Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Occidental Claim National Forest Lead
Oker Mine Unknown Lead
Old Miller Unknown Lead
Pack Horse Lode Underground Lead
Paymaster Anaconda Co. National Forest Lead
Peerless Jennie National Forest Lead
Peerless Jennie Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Perry Claims E. S. Perry Lead
Perry Prospect Unknown Lead
Queen of the Valley Unknown Lead
R. T. C. Lode National Forest Lead
Rathbone Mine Unknown Lead
Ray Jensen Mineral Deposit Claim National Forest Lead
Ready Money Mine National Forest Lead
Red Bird Unknown Lead
Red Mountain Nilson Enterprises National Forest Underground Lead
Red Mountain Tunnel National Forest Unknown Lead
Red Rock Claims J. S. Hinkle National Forest Lead
Red Water Private Lead
Red Wing National Forest Lead
Rex Beach National Forest Lead
Rimini Lead
Rimini District MONTANA LEAD CO. Lead
Robinson Unknown Lead
Rock Rose Unknown Lead
Rock Rose Mine Lead
Roger's Pass' Claim Eva Harrison, Clyde Milliron Underground Lead
Russel Mine National Forest Lead
Russel Mine National Forest Lead
S.P. Bassett National Forest Lead
S.P.Bassett National Forest Lead
Sam Gaty Mine Underground Lead
Sam Gaty Mine Unknown Lead
Scratch Gravel Gold Mine State Surface/Underground Lead
Scratchgravel District Lead
Shakopee Mine Lead
Silver Age Mine Unknown Lead
Silver Bell Mine National Forest Lead
Silver Coin Private Lead
Silver Coin Mine Underground Lead
Silver Cord National Forest Lead
Silver Cord Mine National Forest Lead
Silver Cresent Mine National Forest Lead
Silver-Copper Mining Co Unknown Lead
Skyscraper National Forest Lead
South Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
South Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
Spring Hill Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Spring Hill Mine National Forest Lead
State Land Leased By H.J. Kelly H. J. Kelly State Lead
Superior Mine Unknown Lead
Teal Lake National Forest Lead
Teal Lake Mine National Forest Lead
Tom Lode Unknown Lead
Towsley Mine Lead
Towsley Mine National Forest Lead
Transit Mine National Forest Lead
Transit Mines National Forest Lead
Unknown Ag Mine Banner Creek. National Forest Lead
Valley Forge National Forest Lead
Valley Forge Mine National Forest Underground Lead
War Eagle Mine R. S. Hale (Estate) Underground Lead
War Eagle Mine Hugo Dobler Private Lead
Ward Thompson National Forest Lead
Wayside Unknown Lead
White Rabbit National Forest Lead
Whitlatch-Union Mine Jared W. Young National Forest Underground Lead
Wolf Creek District Lead
Wolftone National Forest Lead
Wolftone Mine National Forest Lead
Wood Creek Copper Occurrence National Forest Lead
Wood Creek Lead-Zinc Occurrence No. 1 National Forest Lead
Wood Creek Lead-Zinc Occurrence No. 2 National Forest Lead
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