Powell County, MT Phosphorus Mines

Phosphorus Mines in Powell County, MT

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Anderson Mine Cominco American, Inc., Garrison, Mt. Underground Phosphorus
Bishop Mine The Anaconda Co. Phosphorus
Brock Creek Area Federal Phosphorus
Brock Mine Mixed Phosphorus
Brock-Anderson Cominco Fertilizers Mixed Phosphorus
Dog Creek Syncline National Forest Phosphorus
Elliston Area Federal Phosphorus
Elliston District Phosphorus
Elliston Phosphate Mine Phosphate Unknown Phosphorus
Emery Ridge Lease Blair W. Stewart, 3400 W Alameda, Burbank, Ca. National Forest Phosphorus
Esmeralda Hill National Forest Phosphorus
Garrison District Phosphorus
Gimlet Mine Phosphorus
Gravely Mine Montana Phosphate Products Co., Garrison, Mt. Underground Phosphorus
Hoover Creek Unknown Phosphorus
Jack Pine Mine National Forest Phosphorus
Jack Pine Mine National Forest Phosphorus
Jackson Mine Private Phosphorus
Luke Mine Cominco American, Inc., Garrison, Mt. Underground Phosphorus
Luke Mine U.S. Gov. Federal Lease 076890 883 Acres BLM Administrative Area Phosphorus
Newman Brothers Prospect Phosphorus
Newman Brothers Prospect Unknown Phosphorus
Relyea Mill George Relyea / Relyea Mining Co. BLM Administrative Area Phosphorus
Relyea Mine George Relyea Phosphorus
Relyea Mine George A. Relyea, Garrison, Montana BLM Administrative Area Phosphorus
Sawmill Creek Prospect Unknown Phosphorus
Sawmill Gulch Phosphate Deposit Silica Products Co. Phosphorus
Senecal Incline Underground Phosphorus
South End of Garrison Anticline Federal Phosphorus
South Luke Mine Unknown Phosphorus
Warm Springs Creek Mine Cominco American Inc. Mixed Underground Phosphorus
Warm Springs Mine Phosphorus
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