Pike County, AR Mercury Mines

Mercury Mines in Pike County, AR

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Ainsworth Prospect Mercury
Ainsworth Prospect Unknown Mercury
Ajax Mine Surface/Underground Mercury
Ajax Mine Dr Gp Mcnaughton Unknown Mercury
Antimony, Ltd Ozan Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Antimony, Ltd. Ozan Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Atlas Quicksilver Mercury
Atlas Quicksilver Atoka Quicksilver Corp Unknown Mercury
Bell Prospect Surface/Underground Mercury
Bell Prospect Mercury Producers Inc Unknown Mercury
Bemis Hill Surface/Underground Mercury
Big Six Mine G. J Parkee Unknown Mercury
Blount Southern Kraft Paper Co. Mercury
Blount Southern Kraft Corp Unknown Mercury
Busby Mine Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Clark's Prospect Mercury
Clarks Prospect Unknown Mercury
Cox Prospect Mercury
Cox Prospect Featherstone, Albert Unknown Mercury
East Gap Ridge Mine Arkansas Power And Light Co.; Southern Kraft Paper Co. Surface/Underground Mercury
East Gap Ridge Mine Arkansas Power And Light Co. Unknown Mercury
Eastburn Mercury
Eastburn Unknown Mercury
Featherstone Featherstone, A. Mercury
Funderburk Prospect Mercury
Funderburk Prospect C. I. Barfield Unknown Mercury
Gap Ridge Mine Arkansas Quicksilver Mines, Inc. Underground Mercury
Gap Ridge Mine Arkansas Quicksilver Mines, Inc. Unknown Mercury
Gopher Mercury
Guess Property Ozan Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Hill 2 Mid-Continent Quicksilver Corp. Surface/Underground Mercury
Hill 2 Mid-Continent Quicksilver Unknown Mercury
Hintze Ozan Grayson Lumber Co. Mercury
Hintze Ozan Grayson Lumber Co. Unknown Mercury
Hopkins Hill Mercury
Hopkins Hill Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Hudgins Prospect S. W. Russell Surface/Underground Mercury
Hudgins Prospect S. W. Russell Unknown Mercury
Interstate Mill Superior Mining Co. Surface/Underground Mercury
Interstate Mill Superior Mining Co. Unknown Mercury
Isbell Prospect Surface Mercury
Isbell Prospect Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Lowrey Lease Mercury
Lowrey Lease Lowrey And Al Hertage Unknown Mercury
Mac-Holmes Mine Surface/Underground Mercury
Mac-Holmes Mine C. Caponetto Unknown Mercury
Marino L. Marino Mercury
Marino L. Marino Unknown Mercury
Mercury District of Southwest Arkansas Mercury
Mill Mountain Prospects Mercury
Mill Mountain Prospects Cinnabar Mining Co Unknown Mercury
Muddy Fork Mercury
Muddy Fork Muddy Fork Mining Co Unknown Mercury
Name Unknown Mercury
Nelson's Prospect Mercury
Nelsons Prospect Mid-Continent Quicksilver Corp Unknown Mercury
O.K. Shaft Mercury
Ok Shaft Norton And Wright Unknown Mercury
Old Argentine Prospect Surface/Underground Mercury
Old Argentine Prospect Co Meeks Unknown Mercury
Ozan'm Sec. 31 Mercury
Ozan's Sec. 5 Mercury
Ozans Sec 31 Ozan Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Ozans Sec.5 Unknown Mercury
Ozark Quicksilver Corp Mid Continent Quicksilver Corp Unknown Mercury
Palmer Prospect Atoka Quicksilver Corp Unknown Mercury
Palmer Prospect. Mercury
Parker Hill Mine Underground Mercury
Parker Hill Mine Gj Parker Unknown Mercury
Parker Prospect Surface/Underground Mercury
Parker Prospect Mc Naughton Mercury Co Unknown Mercury
Parnell Hill Mine Surface/Underground Mercury
Parnell Hill Mine Arkansas Quicksilver Mines, Inc. Unknown Mercury
Pike Mining Co Pike Mining Co. Unknown Mercury
Pike Mining Co. Mercury
Reduction Plant of Am Sci Mercury C American Scientific Mercury Co. Private Mercury
Ridge West of Gap Ridge Underground Mercury
Ridge West of Gap Ridge Mercury Mining Co Unknown Mercury
Salt Gum Ford Mercury
Salt Gum Ford Unknown Mercury
Sec 11 Mine Ozan Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Section 17 Mine Unknown Mercury
Section 33 Prospect Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
South Mill Mt. Prospect Unknown Mercury
Superior Mining Co. Mercury
Superior Mining Co. Underground Mercury
Superior Mining Company Unknown Mercury
U.S. Mercury Co. Mine Surface/Underground Mercury
Union Mercury
Union Mining Co. Mercury
Union Mining Co. Union Mining Co Unknown Mercury
Unnamed Surface Mercury
Unnamed Mercury
Unnamed Southern Kraft Corp. Mercury
Unnamed Cinnabar Mining Co. Unknown Mercury
Us Mine Ozan-Grasonia Lumber Co. Lulu Bell Unknown Mercury
Wall Mountain Shaft Underground Mercury
Wall Mountain Shaft Mid-Continent Quicksilver Corp Unknown Mercury
Wall Rock Shaft Underground Mercury
Wall Rock Shaft Mid-Continent Quicksilver Unknown Mercury
Wann Mine Mercury
Wann Mine H. Wann Unknown Mercury
Wheeler's Property Surface/Underground Mercury
Wheelers Property Warner L Deering Unknown Mercury
Wheelers Prospect Private Mercury
Yantis Mine Mercury
Yantis Mine Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co Unknown Mercury
Yenglin Prospect Mrs. A. Hopkins Surface Mercury
Yenglin Prospect Hopkins, Mrs A. Unknown Mercury
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