Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK Nickel Mines

Nickel Mines in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Admiralty-Alaska Gold National Forest Nickel
Admiralty-Alaska Mine National Forest Underground Nickel
Alaska Chief Nickel
Alaska Chief The Nature Conservancy National Wilderness Nickel
Avalanche Debris Float National Wilderness Nickel
Baldy Lode Group Federal Nickel
Bessie Federal Nickel
Big Ledge Federal Nickel
Big Ledge Nickel-Copper Prospect State Nickel
Bohemia Basin National Forest Nickel
Bohemia Basin Nickel-Copper Prospect National Forest Surface/Underground Nickel
Bohemia Basin Nickel-Copper Prospect National Forest Nickel
Bohemia Basin Prospect National Forest Nickel
Brady Glacier Newmont Exploration, Ltd. Private Underground Nickel
Brady Glacier Deposit Nickel
Brady Glacier nickel-copper deposit Nickel
Brady Glacier Nickel-Copper Prospect Nickel
Brew No. 36 National Wilderness Nickel
Cliff National Forest Nickel
Copper Breccia National Wilderness Nickel
Curtis Hills National Wilderness Nickel
Desolation Glacier National Wilderness Nickel
Ebba National Forest Nickel
Ebba Gold-Silver-Nickel-Copper Prospect National Forest Nickel
Florence No. 1 Mine Admiralty - Alaska Gold Mining Co. National Forest Nickel
Funter Bay Admiralty-Alaska Gold Mining Co. Federal Underground Nickel
Funter Bay Nickel Deposit National Park Nickel
Funter Bay, Admiralty Island-Nickel Deposit, Alaska National Park Nickel
Geikie Inlet Chromite National Wilderness Nickel
Glacier Bay Nickel Sulfide Deposit-Alaska National Park Nickel
Glacier Nickel No. 1-4 National Wilderness Nickel
Gwinn Federal Nickel
Joanne National Wilderness Nickel
Linda Nickel Federal Nickel
Mertie Lode Prospect National Forest Surface/Underground Nickel
Mindolina-Squid National Wilderness Nickel
Mount Abadallah National Wilderness Nickel
Mt. Crillon Nickel
North Crillon Glacier National Wilderness Nickel
North Crillon Glacier Nickel Occurrence Nickel
North Wall of South Crillon Glacier National Wilderness Nickel
North-Northwest of Mt Marchainville National Wilderness Nickel
Phonograph Federal Nickel
Rendu Inlet S.E. National Wilderness Nickel
Saloma Federal Nickel
Surge Bay National Wilderness Nickel
Three and One Half Mi Se Mt Lookout National Wilderness Nickel
Tidal Inlet National Wilderness Nickel
Unnamed (DeLangle Mountain) Nickel
Unnamed (moraine on Fairweather Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (near Desolation Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (near the mouth of Crillon Inlet to Lituya Bay) Nickel
Unnamed (North Crillon Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (North Marble Island) Nickel
Unnamed (north of Mt. Marchainville) Nickel
Unnamed (north wall of South Crillon Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (north wall of South Crillon Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (Northwest part of Yakobi Island) Nickel
Unnamed (south of Finger Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (south of Tidal Inlet) Nickel
Unnamed (southeast of upper Finger Glacier) Nickel
Unnamed (southwest of Mt Dagelet) Nickel
Unnamed (west mouth of Rendu Inlet) Nickel
Unnamed (west of Tarr Inlet) Nickel
Unnamed Occurrence National Wilderness Nickel
West Side of Crillon Inlet National Wilderness Nickel
Yakobi Island Galactic Resources Ltd Private Surface Nickel
York Creek Occurrence National Park Nickel
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