Mason County, WA Mines

Mines in Mason County, WA

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Apex National Forest Surface/Underground Iron
Apex Prospect Manganese Products Inc National Forest Calcium
Arkansas Traveler National Park Copper
Arkansas Traveler #1 National Park Manganese
Bay Shore Pit Mason County County Sand and Gravel
Bear Creek Pit Mason County County Sand and Gravel
Beekman Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
Belair North Shore Pit Ace Paving Co., Inc. Private Sand and Gravel
Black and White Copper
Black and White Mine Olympic Mines, Inc. National Park Surface/Underground Cobalt
Black and White Mine W. H. Anderson National Park Copper
Black Hump Manganese
Black Hump L. L Dickenson National Park Manganese
Black Hump Claim L. L. Dickenson Of Staircase Resort National Park Manganese
Black Queen Manganese Mining And Mfg. Co. National Park Manganese
Black Queen Claims Manganese Mining And Manufactoring Co., Seattle, Wash. National Park Manganese
Black Tail National Park Copper
Black Tail National Park Copper
Borrow Pit State Sand and Gravel
Borrow Pit Sand and Gravel
Bosnia Claim National Forest Iron
Brown Mule N. H Godat National Forest Manganese
Canal Premix Pit and Plant Canal Premix Private Sand and Gravel
Cascade Tracts Mason County County Sand and Gravel
Cdc Rock Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Central Shop Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Discovery Prospect National Park Copper
Evergreen Materials Private Sand and Gravel
Federal Highway Administration Sand and Gravel
Fisheries Pit Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Gravel Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Graves Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Hanna Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Hi Hope Claims U.S. Government National Park Surface/Underground Manganese
High Hope Nos. 1 and 2 National Park Manganese
I-86 Union River Ace Paving Co., Inc. Unknown Sand and Gravel
India Claim National Forest Iron
Institution Pit Sand and Gravel
J.D. Shotwell Co Sand and Gravel
Jolly Jack John Fadness Jim Dammel And Assocs Manganese
Jolly Jack Group John Fadness, Jim Dammel, And Assoc., Tacoma, Wa. National Forest Manganese
Kramer Quarry Department Of Highways State Stone, Crushed
Lake Isabella Pit Mason County County Sand and Gravel
Lilliwaup Stone Quarry Lilliwaup Stone Quarry Private Sand and Gravel
Stone, Crushed
Lost Lake Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Lucky Jack National Forest Manganese
Maple Creek Prospect National Forest Barium
Mason County Landfill Pit Interstate Asphalt Co. Sand and Gravel
Mason County Pit Mason County County Sand and Gravel
Matlock Area Silica Sand Sand and Gravel
McKean 10 National Forest Manganese
McKean Claim C. E. Brown, Ce. Russell, Olympia, Wa. National Forest Iron
Miller Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
North Shore Sand & Gravel North Shore Sand And Gravel Private Sand and Gravel
Old Crow Hunt, Alex National Forest Manganese
Old Crow Claim Hunt, Alex National Forest Manganese
Olympic Peninsula Manganese
Olympic Penn. Ls. National Park Limestone
One Two Five Zero Road Quarry Stone, Crushed
Overton Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
Panhandle Lake Quarry Simpson Timber Co. Unknown Stone, Crushed
Pit 245-7.5 Puget Sound Surfacers, Inc. National Forest Sand and Gravel
Pope & Talbot Pit Kitsap County County Sand and Gravel
Quarry 249-7.0 Del-Hur, Inc. National Forest Stone, Crushed
Roadcut:Tested Silica Deposit Sand and Gravel
Rose Aster National Park Manganese
Rose Aster Claim C. E. Brown And C. E. Russell, Olympia, Wa. National Park Manganese
Russian No. 1 National Forest Manganese
Russian No. 1 Claim National Forest Iron
Shelton Sand and Gravel Co. Shelton Sand And Gravel Co. Private Sand and Gravel
Smith National Forest Manganese
Smith Claim National Park Manganese
Staircase National Park Limestone
State Gravel Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
State Gravel Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
State Gravel Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
Steel Creek National Forest Manganese
Stewart Private Sand and Gravel
Triple Trip Iron
Triple Trip Prospect C. E. Brown And C. E. Russell, Olympia, Wash. (Possessory Title) National Forest Surface/Underground Iron
Unnamed Pit Northern Pacific Railroad Private Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit John'S Creek Sand And Gravel Co. Private Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Belfair Sand And Gravel Private Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Hamma Hamma Logging Co. Private Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Unknown Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Department Of Highways State Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Northern Pacific Railroad Private Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Pit Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Quarry Sand and Gravel
Unnamed Quarry State Stone, Crushed
Unnamed Quarry Stone, Crushed
Widow Ben Booth National Forest Manganese
Widow Claim Ben Booth National Forest Manganese
Will Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Wright Carlson Private Sand and Gravel
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