Berks County, PA Mines

Mines in Berks County, PA

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
(Facility) Ontelaunee Smelter--Reading, Pa. Reading Metals Refining Co.,Div. Reading Ind. Co. Copper
Allentown Portl'D Cement-Evansville National Gypsum Co Private Stone
Associated With Wheatfield Mines. Private Iron
Bailey Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Barto Mine Private Iron
Beitler Mine Private Iron
Berks Prdts Oley Mill--Kutztown, Pa Private Stone, Crushed
Berks Silica Sand Corp Quarry Private Sand and Gravel
Bern Township Quarry Private Clays
Bern Township Quarry Private Clays
Bernville Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Bethlehem Iron Co. Mine Private Iron
Bethlehem Iron Co. Mine Private Iron
Bieber's Mine/Brumbach's Mine Iron
Big Dam Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Big Dam Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Bittenbender Mine Private Iron
Bower Mine Private Iron
Bowers Mine No.2 Private Iron
Boyertown Gold
Boyertown Mines--Warwick/Gabel/Phoenix/Brower Mines Iron
Brower Mine Private Iron
Brumbach Mine Private Iron
Brumbach Mine Private Iron
Bylers Mine E. G. Brooke Iron Co. (Formerly) Unknown Iron
California Mine Municipality Iron
Caroline Schall Estate Prospect Private Iron
Clayton Limestone Quarries Private Stone, Crushed
Clingan Quarry and Plant Private Stone, Crushed
Clymer Mine Private Iron
Dolomite Prospect Private Stone, Dimension
Dolomite Prospect Private Stone, Dimension
Dolomite Prospect Stone, Dimension
Dotterer Mine Private Iron
Dotterer's Mine & 2 Additional Iron
Douglassville Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Crushed
E J Breneman Inc Private Stone, Crushed
E J Breneman Inc Quarry and Mill Private Limestone
Eckert and Bros. Mine Private Iron
Eileen Barnes Mine Private Iron
Eline Mine Private Iron
Esterly Mine Iron
Esterly Mine Private Iron
Eureka Bank Private Iron
Eureka Mine Iron
Evansville Quarry Private Limestone
Evansville Quarry National Gypsum Co. Private Stone, Crushed
Fegley Mine Private Iron
Fisher Prospect Private Iron
Fleetwood Quarry and Sand Plant Private Sand and Gravel
Fritz Island Mine Private Iron
Fritz Island Mine/Raudenbush Mine Iron
Gabel Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Crushed
Gabel Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Crushed
Gabel Shaft Number 1 Municipality Iron
Gabel Shaft Number Two Municipality Iron
Gehman Bank and Mine Private Iron
Genrl Crshed Stone--Morgantown, Pa. Private Stone, Crushed
Geo. W. Kerchner Bank Private Iron
Gickerville Trap Quarry Private Arsenic
Gilberg Mine Iron
Gilberg Mine Private Iron
Gilbert Shaft Iron
Gilbert Shafts Private Iron
Glen Gery Brick Yard--Reading, Pa. Private Clays
Grace Concentrator Bethlehem Mines Corp. Copper
Grace Iron-Colbalt Minemorgantown/Jones & Kinney Mine/Bylers Mine Cobalt
Grace Mine Bethlehem Steel Corp. Private Cobalt
Grings Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Grings Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Grings Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
H. Bieber Mine Private Iron
Hawley Dolomite Quarry J. G. Hawley Private Stone, Dimension
Heffner Mine No. 1 Private Iron
Heffner Mine No. 2 Private Iron
Henry Kaiser Mine Private Iron
Hertzel and Swoyer Mine Private Iron
Heydt Mine/Miller & Yoder Mine Iron
Hoffmann Mine Private Iron
Hottenstien Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Hunter Mine Private Iron
John Kauffman Farm Prospect Private Mica
John T. Dyer Quarry Co., Sub. Of Private Stone, Crushed
John Wessnor Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Jones Mine Private Iron
Kaufmann and Spang Mine Private Iron
Kawecki-Berylco Al'Ys-Bowyertown Pa Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc. Unknown Niobium (Columbium)
Kawecki-Berylco Alloys--Reading, Pa Kawecki-Berylco Industries Inc. Unknown Beryllium
Kemp Mine Private Iron
Kinney Mine Private Iron
Kirbyville Llimestone Quarry Private Limestone
Stone, Dimension
Knabb Dolomite Quarry Knabb, A. Private Stone, Dimension
Knabb's Mine Iron
Kooller Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Kutztown Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Kutztown Quarry Eastern Industries Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Stone, Dimension
Kutztown Quarry and Plant Private Limestone
Kutztown Quarry and Plant Private Stone, Crushed
Landis Mine Private Iron
Largo Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Manwiller Mine Private Iron
Manwiller/Weaver/Hunter Mines Iron
Martin Stone Quarries Martin Stone Quarries Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Martin Stone Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Maxatawny Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Mid Atlantic Division Pit Private Clays
Mid Atlantic Division Pit Glen-Gery Corp. Private Clays
Miller's Mine Iron
Morgantown B Plant Ti Titanium Metals Corp Of America Titanium
Morgantown Plant Private Stone
Moselem Iron Ore Mine Private Iron
Moselem Mine Iron
Mt Pleasant Grove Iron Mine Private Iron
Muhlenberg Mine Private Iron
N American Refrac--Womelsdorf, Pa. North American Refractories Co., Div. Of Eltra Corp. Unknown Chromium
No 5 Quarry and Plant Cement Div National Gypsum Co Private Stone, Crushed
No. 1 Contracting Corp. #1 Contracting Corp. Private Stone, Crushed
Of the Protection Services Corp. Private Zinc
Old Millert Mine Private Iron
Oley #1 Quarry & Cement Plant Private Stone, Crushed
Oley Number 1 Quarry and Mill Private Limestone
Oley Number 2 Quarry and Mill Private Limestone
Oley Number 2 Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Crushed
Oley Quarry and Mill Private Limestone
Oley Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Crushed
Ore Mine Private Iron
P and R Iron Ore Mine Private Iron
P.Kline Mine Private Iron
Phoenix Middle Shaft Municipality Iron
Phoenix Upper Shaft Municipality Iron
Quarry No. 5 Private Stone, Crushed
Rauch Mine Private Iron
Raudenbusch Mine Private Iron
Reading Alloys--Robesonia, Pa. Reading Alloys Inc. Niobium (Columbium)
Rhoades Mine Private Iron
Rittenhouse Gap Mines Private Iron
Ritter Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Robesonia Quarry and Mill Private Limestone
Rohrbach Mine Private Iron
Rush Limestone Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Rush Ore Mine Private Iron
Ruth Mine Iron
Schittler Ore Bank Private Iron
Schweitzer and Kutz Mine Private Iron
Seitzinger Bank Private Iron
Seitzinger Mine Iron
Shafer Pit Private Clays
Shafer Pit Private Clays
Shafer Quarry & Plant Private Clays
Shafer Quarry and Plant Private Clays
Shain Mine Private Iron
Shirey Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Stone, Dimension
Shoemakersville Pit Private Clays
Shoemakersville Pit Glen Gery Corp Private Clays
South Temple Quarry and Plant Private Limestone
South Temple Quarry and Plant Private Stone, Crushed
Sparr Mine No. 1 Private Iron
Sparr Mine No. 2 Private Iron
Stauffer Chem.--Morrisville, Pa. Private Phosphorus
Stouffer Mine Private Iron
Swoyer Mine Private Iron
Talley Mine Private Iron
Tatham Mine Private Iron
Temple Furnace Mine Private Iron
Temple Quarry Berks Silica Sand Corp Private Sand and Gravel
Thomas Iron Co. Mine No. 4 Private Iron
Trexler Mine Private Iron
Trexler's Mine/Beitler's Mine Iron
Tulpehocken Mine Private Stone, Crushed
Tunnel Mine Private Iron
Tunnel Mine & 6 Additional Mines Iron
Udree Ore Bank Private Iron
Unnamed Iron
Unnamed Iron
Unnamed Iron
Unnamed Iron
Unnamed Banks Iron
Unnamed Banks Iron
Unnamed Banks Iron
Unnamed Banks Iron
Unnamed Banks/Hesinger Et Al./Kaiser/Meckley Mines Iron
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Limestone
Unnamed Dolomite Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Fe Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Iron Mine Private Iron
Unnamed Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Prospect Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Unnamed Limestone Quarry Private Limestone
Unnamed Sandstone Quarry Private Stone, Crushed
Unnamed Stone Quarry Private Limestone
Stone, Dimension
Unnamed--Wernersville Area Iron
Wagenhorst Mine Private Iron
Weavers Mine Private Iron
Wescoe Mine Private Iron
Wheatfield Mine Iron
Wheatfield Mines Private Iron
Winter Limestone Quarry Ellis Winter Limestone
Wm. Bittenbender Mine Private Iron
Yellow Hill Quarry and Plant Private Stone, Crushed
Yoder Mine Private Iron
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